About us
This is your site! Share your practical life with us; send us your photos, videos – we will accept anything that has to do with practical living!
What good book have you read lately? What contributes to a successful relationship? You have a problem… have you got a good yet simple recipe? Or a teenager at home or a pet that helped your children become responsible? Or do you prepare your own hair mask, or do you have a good advice on buying a car, or a well-organised home? Perhaps you are creative…?
…share it with us – this site is intended right for you!
Eco, eco
You don`t have to join a green party immediately. Take just a little step today. For example, when you go shopping, take your own bag, do not buy or take a PVC bag at the shop.
We can save up in many ways. Send us your ideas and ways of how you save time, electricity, water, how you get frugal with food, etc.
Practical home
Practical home is everyone’s goal. Do you have a detail at home you would like to share with us? A cosy nook that is practical or particularly nice to you, or you managed to realise one of your ideas in a really great way, or your flowers thrive really well – what do you do for such a success? Or perhaps you can organise your drawers impressively? Share your ideas, your practical living at this site.
Day in, day out
Days go by – they are filled with moments we get creative or thoughtful, immersed into a good read, or we are in love or worried, we are busy or sad, we have a good laugh…
There is a baby, a teenager or a granny in your home… every age has its issues. There are some topics that might help you understand a generation you share your life or living space with.
Practical recipes
Prepare simple and quick, yet healthy food – cook with fun and use good, reliable recipes that have been tried out many times.