A brisk walk


Walk towards health…

Instead of driving to the grocery store choose walking to work, walk your child to school, take a walk at your lunch break, take the stairs and you will definitely feel better. Much better.
Contemporary way of life makes us sit more than ever, and when we think about changes we set unrealistic and almost unachievable goals. We imagine ourselves running for miles, lifting weights to exhaustion, etc. And we give up before we even start – it is simply discouraging.

The road to health does not need to be paved with thorns.
Moderate physical activity, such as walking for 30 minutes daily, significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and prolongs the life span. If you can extend the walk a little and walk more briskly, even better. You can walk alone or in a company, it costs nothing and it suits all lifestyles. Physical activity does not have to be intense or prolonged to have a positive effect on health.

Why walking?

  • walking relieves pain in the neck and back
  • walking speeds up metabolism,
  • walking improves circulation,
  • walking promotes good mood and has beneficial effects on milder cases of depression and stress,
  • walking improves flexibility of joints and muscles,
  • walking strengthens bones and muscles,
  • walking has a beneficial effect on the rhythm and quality of sleep,
  • walking melts body fat efficiently,
  • walking lowers blood pressure,
  • walking causes less strain on the knees than running,
  • walking reduces chances of a heart attack,
  • people who regularly walk recover after illness faster,
  • walking prevents or slows down the processes typical for osteoporosis,
  • etc.

Brisk walking
Brisk walking is almost an ideal activity. It does not require any special equipment, special ambiance, preparation, weather conditions or extraordinary strain. This kind of exercising has a positive effect on achieving and maintaining your fitness, it is suitable for people of both sexes and all ages, and has a great impact on the physical and mental health. The average person makes about 4,500 steps daily, and it would be ideal to make about 10,000 steps. The best way to achieve this is practising brisk walking. Walking is the most immanent human movement. If you are unable to separate half an hour a day of walking, walk whenever you have a chance.
We advise you not to walk after 8 p.m. as walking, just like any other type of exercising, awakens the body and mind and you will not be able to fall asleep for some time after walking.
Walking has a favourable impact on the rhythm and quality of sleep, but these effects are visible after a month or two of regular walking.

Walking techniques
Although walking is, as already mentioned earlier, the most natural human movement, many people walk incorrectly. Proper posture and proper stepping prevent injuries:
• Keep your back straight and chest open for proper breathing,
• Walk as if your legs begin from the waist, stretch your hips and step on your heels, shift weight onto the soles of your feet, and raise up on your toes,
• Raise your other leg only when your first foot is completely on the ground,
• Breathe evenly,
• Keep your arms bent at an angle of 90 ° and move them in rhythmic movements following the rhythm of walking,
• The effectiveness of the exercise will be achieved by an occasional rise in pace, but only if it is not too much strain for you,
• Brisk walking should be felt as a natural movement, not a pressure,
• For a start take a walk for a kilometre or two and at the speed suiting your current condition.

If you can find the time, walk at least three times a week.

Image courtesy of hyena reality / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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